Large Loan Specialists
If you are in a position to be searching for large mortgages, you’re likely to be a busy professional so let us find the right deal for you.
Click the Enquiries button to speak to an advisor
Providers of large mortgages are likely to take in to consideration aspects such as you total net worth, income and other monetary streams when making a decision to lend.
As a high net worth borrower, you may have a high yet irregular source of income rather than salaried employment or have other assets in the form of investments and holdings.
If you need a high-value mortgage but don’t know where to start, speak to one of our advisers.
Mortgage advisers can be crucial, especially for sizeable mortgage amounts. Your mortgage application will require careful planning to be approved. Assessing your income and deposit level before you approach a lender can save you time and money.
Speak to one of our mortgage advisers who will ensure you are getting a competitive deal. Furthermore, our advisors can approach lenders suited to your circumstances. By doing this, the chances of maximising your mortgage amount can drastically improve.
Your Home (or property) may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage or any other debts secured on it.
Claim your Free Credit Report!
Taking a look at your Credit report will allow the you to see what the lender sees when looking at your credit*
* Ingrid Cairns & Associates Ltd receives a small referral fee from Check My File
